Thursday, January 19, 2012

Proverbs 20:30

Painful situations. Yeah we've all experienced them and even unfortunately caused them as well. And Im sure if your like me who has went through alot of them in the past few years of my life, your waiting that moment where everything that anyone has ever told you like "The door was shut so another one could be opened" or  my personal favorite "Its for the best." I will be the first one to admit that at first I scoffed at the idea that any good would come from my situations, my disappointments, rejection and just cruel hurtful people who have been in my life. But truth is, I wouldnt be where I am right now if it wasnt for those bumps in the road steering my path. If I didnt go through my dark stage where I was partying, running with the wrong crowd, being a misfit/outcast, rebelling from society and the church... I honestly don't think I would have ever found my way back.

But one guy, my annoying physics parter whom i honestly lothed, took me out on a date and asked me about God. Honestly, Ive been out with guys before, but what made this one different, was he was a gentleman. No one had ever given me that kind of respect as a female before. I mean he went the whole nine yards. Opened every single door, even the truck door, paid for everything, drove to and fro... it was just refreshing. He ended up taking me to his church. Although apprehensive, I went. I loved it. And ive been going for a year now. You may think that this sounds like a love story and although at first I felt as if it was at first and I really started to like this guy. We started doing everything together, talking nonstop and just really growing spiritually together. Things started to turn south when he graduated and started working alll day everyday and just being to tired to do anything or talk. Which really hurt.  I started to talk to other people just to get my mind off him because I was so set on him being my future boyfriend. Eventually he went off to college and despite my strong efforts, he couldnt look past me as his best friend. Which I have learned to be ok with. He is a good friend and I apprichiate his caring and the initiative he took to help get me out of the rut that i was in. But now, all we do is get advice from each other.

I dont expect anyone to really read my blogs i guess, its just  good to get all my thoughts down somewhere so if you actually read this Kudos to you.

30 Blows and wounds scrub away evil,
and beatings purge the inmost being.
-Proverbs 20:30

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